EP2DS - 14 |
14th International Conference on the Electronic Properties of Two-Dimensional Systems |
July 30 - August 3, 2001 |
Hotel "Pyramida", Prague |
http://ep2ds14.fzu.cz/ep2ds14 |
kucera@fzu.cz |
Supported by:
International Union for Pure and Applied Physics
Elsevier Science
Institute of Physics, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Prague
Union of Czech Mathematicians and Physicists
(uptated on 10 October 2001)
The contributions were included, as submitted, in the Conference workbook. Besides that, the Conference Proceedings will appear as a special issue of Physica E for inclusion in which the papers were refereed.
In the download area you may find the the list in printable formats (PostScript, PDF).
25 February 2001 | Deadline for Accommodation & Tour Reservation |
1 April 2001 | Deadline for Abstract Submission |
25 April 2001 | Notice of Acceptance |
1 May 2001 | Deadline for Accommodation Payment |
1 June 2001 | Deadline for Advance Registration |
8 June 2001 | Receipt of Manuscripts |
29 July 2001 | Registration (Pyramida, 14:00-21:00) |
Welcome Party (Pyramida, 19:00-22:00) | |
30 July 2001 | Beginning of the Conference (Pyramida, 8:45) |
31 July 2001 | Open Bar by Elsevier Science (Kajetánka, Poster Area, 20:30-22:30) |
3 August 2001 | End of the Conference |
Date | Day of The Week | Event |
29th July 2001 | Sunday | Registration |
30th July 2001 | Monday | Beginning of the Conference Program |
3rd August 2001 | Friday | End of the Conference |
The Conference will be held in the Congress Hall of the Hotel "Pyramida" in Prague and in the nearby student hostel "Kajetánka".
The Presentations will be split into plenary lectures and poster sessions. The plenary lectures, which will consist of invited as well as contributed papers, will take place in the Congress Hall of the "Pyramida" hotel, whereas the poster session will be located in the hostel "Kajetánka".
The hotel "Pyramida" is located on the border of the historical kernel of Prague, within walking distance (15 minutes) from the Prague castle and other places of interest. The student hostel "Kajetánka" can be easily reached by walk (approx. 5-10 minutes).
The Address of the Hotel:
Hotel Pyramida
Belohorská 24
160 00 Praha 6
Czech Republic, Europe
EP2DS traditionally covers the fundamental physics of electronic and optical properties of
You may find a PS/PDF version of the Program in the download area.
The language of the Conference is English. Simultaneous interpretation will not be provided.
A single board 150 cm wide x 120 cm high (i.e., approx. 59" wide x 47" high) will be assigned for each poster.
The following versions of your contribution, identical in contents but different in form may be submitted to the Conference Secretariat:
Do not send a diskette with the Physica E manuscript to the Conference secretariat, you are to hand it over at your arrival to the Conference instead.
Accepted contributions: four pages in the Workbook, four pages in the Proceedings (Physica E).
Authors presenting 30-minute talks may extend their manuscripts to six or eight pages in both the Workbook and the Proceedings.Your submissions have to arrive to the Conference secretariat by June 8, 2001. This deadline will be strictly enforced!
In addition to the hard-copy, you may submit the electronic version of your Workbook pages to ep2ds14@fzu.cz.
To Contents
Author Instructions
The information on your poster should be simple, brief and intelligible even in the absence of the author(s).
The contents, for example, could be divided into four sections:
The SUMMARY could list the pertinent results and conclusions. The INTRODUCTION could state the purpose of the study in relation to previous work in the field. The RESULTS could indicate the most important findings.
In general, as few results as possible, i.e. just those necessary to validate the conclusions, should be shown. A poster overloaded with findings will rarely attract attention. The DISCUSSION could give the interpretation and the significance of the results. There is no obligation to fill the entire space available with information.
![]() |
A single board 150 cm wide x 120 cm high (i.e., approx. 59" wide x 47" high) will be assigned for each poster. Each poster will have an identification number which will be prepared and put in place by the organizers. The headings, showing the title, the author(s) and affiliation(s), should be mounted as indicated in the drawing which follows. It is very important to plan carefully the optimal utilization of the remaining poster space. Each figure or table should have a simple legend. |
The posters should be readable from a distance of 1 metre (3'3"). Each poster must have a top label indicating the title of the paper, the name(s) of the author(s) and their affiliation(s). The size of the characters must be at least 2.5 cm (1") in height. Posters will be attached to the boards by pins which will be supplied by the organizers.
There will be three poster sessions. Authors should mount their material on the assigned board at least two hours prior to their poster presentation and take down their poster by lunchtime of the following day. Authors should be in attendance throughout the period they have been assigned for their poster presentation.
To Contents
Author Instructions
Organizing Committee EP2DS14
Ms Oliva Pacherová
Institute of Physics
Cukrovarnická 10
162 53 Praha 6
Czech Republic, Europe
along with the PHYSICA E version (see separate instructions). The envelope has to be marked clearly "PAPER".
At the same time, the authors are encouraged to send an electronic copy of their camera-ready manuscript for the workbook to the e-mail address ep2ds14@fzu.cz as attachment(s). The electronic submission in general speeds up the production procedure and yields better results; however, the hardcopy is obligatory as it is the last chance to get your work printed when something goes wrong. Note: you still have to bring your diskette for PHYSICA E!
You may copy a properly formatted sample page containing some basic instructions from the download area of the Conference server.
The Camera-ready version of your manuscript should be identical to the PHYSICA E version in contents (i.e., it should describe the same facts/results). It should be typed (or word processed) on good quality A4- or letter-size paper inside a rectangular area 16.5 cm x 22.9 cm (6.5"x9"). This area should not contain any page numbering, just the text mirror.
Note added after the first 10 papers arrived: 6.5"x9" is identical neither with 6.5"x9.5" nor with 6"x8.5".
The font to be used is your choice but it should not be smaller than 12pt (=1 pica). It is advisable to use a standard font, e.g. Times or Computer Modern. The title should be set in the same type as the main text, boldface, one step bigger in size (e.g. 14pt if the main text is set in 12pt).
The camera-ready version of the manuscript should be single spaced with references numbered consecutively in brackets [1] (parentheses, if brackets are not available). All figures should be sized appropriately such that the entire manuscript including
The authors are asked to send the postscript/pdf version of their camera-ready paper as well as the manuscript (or manuscript and figures) in the native format in which it was prepared. In particular, the TeX/LaTeX...etc users are advised to send us also the dvi files and the eps-files of their figures.
To give the technically/typographically inclined authors an idea, how the quality of their printouts may be optimized we briefly describe further procedure
To Contents
Author Instructions
Organizing Committee EP2DS14
Ms Oliva Pacherová
Institute of Physics
Cukrovarnická 10
162 53 Praha 6
Czech Republic, Europe
along with the camera-ready version (see separate instructions). The envelope has to be marked clearly "PAPER". For these proceedings, an electronic submission on a diskette or CD-ROM is required by Physica E. Therefore, the author(s) are obliged to bring a copy of the Physica E manuscript on a diskette to the registration desk during the Conference. The papers whose authors will not meet this requirement will not be published.
Original material:
Submission of a manuscript implies that it is not being
simultaneously considered for publication elsewhere and that the
authors have obtained the necessary authority for publication.
All manuscripts should be written in proper English. The paper copies of the text should be prepared with double line spacing and wide margins, on numbered sheets.
Illustrations should be submitted in quadruplicate: one master set and three sets of copies included with the text.
Desk Editor Physica E
Elsevier Science B.V.
P.O. Box 103
1000 AC Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Telefax: +31-20-485 2775
E-mail: j.leest@elsevier.nl
To Contents
Author Instructions
Note: In all cases the publisher reserves the right to decide whether to process a manuscript from author's files or not.
Authors should consult a recent issue of the journal for the style of the article opening, headings, abbreviations and for the style of the reference list preferred in the journal. Electronic manuscripts should be prepared in a way very similar to conventional manuscripts (see also Instructions for Authors in the journal). Do not reserve space for the figures and tables throughout the text.
The disk containing the electronic version of the manuscript should be submitted (or resubmitted, in the case of a revised manuscript), together with three hard copies of the text and figures and a set of original figures. It is the responsibility of the author to ensure that the version on disk exactly matches the paper copies. No deviations from the version accepted by the Editor of the Proceedings are permissible without the prior and explicit approval by the Editor. Upon acceptance of the article for publication, both the disk and a hard copy will be sent by the Proceedings Editor to the publisher.
The preferred storage medium is a 3.5 inch disk in MS-DOS or Macintosh format or a CD-ROM. Both double density (DD) and high density (HD) diskettes are acceptable.
The name and version of the word-processing program and the type of computer on which the text was prepared should be clearly indicated on the diskette label and on the checklist overleaf.
Just as for a conventional manuscript, the publisher requires a set of good quality drawings and photographs to produce the line figures and half-tone plates in print. This material should be submitted together with the diskette and hard copies of the manuscript.
The accepted article will be regarded as final and the files will be processed as such. Proofs are for checking that no undetected errors have arisen in the typesetting or file conversion process. At the proof stage only printer's errors may be corrected. No changes in, or additions to, the edited manuscript will be accepted.
To Contents
Author Instructions
> I ask you about manuscript of EP2DS. > In Instructions to Authors on Web of EP2DS, > Camera-ready manuscripts of the workbook > correspond to the preprint style of Physica E > that is 12pt, single-spaced and one-column . > This style is not condense. > Final publishing style of Physica E is 10pt and two-column, > and very condense. > If we write 4 page of Camera-ready manuscript, > pages of Physica E shrink to 2 or 3. > I suppose Camera-ready manuscripts of the workbook correspond > to the final publishing style of Physica E with 10pt and two-column. > Is it true?
The main difference between the Workbook and the Proceedings is the final paper size available, which is approx. A5 in the case of the Workbook and almost A4 in the case of the Proceedings. As far as the Workbook is concerned, it is completely up to you what you put in the pages, whether you use two columns or a single column format; the only thing which will be enforced is the final size of the text mirror (your camera-ready contribution will be reduced in size to fit in) which is approx. 12.3 cm x 17.2 cm (4.875"x6.75") and the number of pages (in 95 per cent of cases, four pages). If you follow the Workbook instructions of the Web page, the final font size will be 9pt, i.e., still readable without a magnifying glass. The latex file available on the web page is by no means an official "latex style of the Workbook", it may just serve for a guidance about one possible way, how to create a properly formatted document. (Users of the old LaTeX 2.09 may use an analogous document.)
In fact, you should create two different documents, describing identical physics: one that fits the Workbook and (if you wish to submit) another one that fits the Proceedings. If you manage to fulfill both tasks with a single document formatted in two different ways (probably not), great, but it is up to you.
To Contents
Author Instructions
Participants who pre-register will benefit from the knowledge that all the Conference documentation will be ready on their arrival. Each registrant is requested to register separately. An online (pre)registration form has been available on the Conference website. The presenting and/or corresponding authors who submitted their abstracts to the conference and who did not pre-register themselves were pre-registered automatically by the organizing committee. To find out whether you are pre-registered or not plese fill in the online "Update your data" form. The pre-registration becomes registration at the moment the registration fee is paid. You may also use the traditional registration form available on the Conference Website.
Upon payment (see below), the authors are kindly asked to inform the Conference secretariat about the payment (the simplest way is to fax their copy of the bank order to the Conference secretariat). The authors are also asked to inform the organizing committee about any change concerning their registration (like, e.g., the change of the presenting author).
The organizing committee will welcome if the authors of accepted contributions register in advance.
The registration desk will be situated in the Conference Foyer in front of the Congress Hall of the Pyramida Hotel.
Before 1 June 2001 | After 1 June 2001 | |
Full Registration | 350 EUR | 400 EUR |
Student Registration | 250 EUR | 300 EUR |
The registration fee includes:
Payment may be made by interntational money transfer or bank transfer quoting the name of the participant directly to the bank in Praha (Prague):
Bank name: CESKOSLOVENSKA OBCHODNI BANKA Full bank address: Na Porici 24, 110 00 Praha 1, Czech Republic Account name: Fyzikalni ustav AVCR Account number: 01 - 29593280 Variable symbol: 15609 Bank connection (Swift Code): CEKO CZ PP PRA
Name: Fyzikalni ustav AVCR Headquaters: Na Slovance 2, 182 21 Praha 8, Czech Republic VAT-Number ("DIC"): 008 68378271
The payment must be free of bank charges to the receiver, i.e., ALL bank charges for effecting the international money order must be met by the remitter. This must be explicitly stated when authorizing the international money transfer order. If not all bank charges are covered the participant shall pay the amount not covered in cash at the Conference registretion desk.
To abtain a cancellation refund a written notification must reach the Secretariat before 1 July, 2001. All refunds are subject to a 30 EUR administrative fee.
Accommodation services to the Conference are mediated by "Icaris Ltd. Conference Management".
From the viewpoint of the Conference accessibility, two of the locations offered are recommended:
Hotel Pyramida
The Hotel where the plenary lectures will take place. A three star
hotel located on the border of the historical kernel of
Prague, within walking distance (15 minutes) from the Prague
castle and other places of interest.
Hostel Kajetánka
A simple accommodation with students' caffeteria. The poster sections
will take place here. Within walking distance from the Pyramida
The Addresses: | |
Hotel Pyramida Belohorská 24 160 Czech Republic, Europe |
Hostel Kajetánka Radimova 12 160 Czech Republic, Europe |
Reservations: | 25 February 2001 |
Payments: | 1 May 2001 |
This event will be organized by "Icaris Ltd. Conference Management"
In the afternoon on Wednesday 1st, trips to various historical places of interest (Kutná Hora, Konopiste, Podebrady, Melník) will be organized. In the evening, participants will be transported to the Drevcice fortress where a medieval feast will take place, partly sponsored for all registered Conference participants.
Services related to the social program of the Conference are provided by "Icaris Ltd. Conference Management".
During the Conference, guided tours aimed at accompanying persons, will be organized.
For people "on the road", between Linz and Prague. Details.
Address: | Icaris Ltd. Conference Management Nám. Dr. Holého 8 180 00 Praha 8 Czech Republic |
Fax: | +420 2 6631 2113 |
E-mail: | icaris@bohem-net.cz |
WEB: | http://www.icaris.cz/ |
The conference will continue it's tradition of attempting to support participation by young scientists who are presenting papers at the Conference and who without support would be unable to participate in the Conference. A written application for financial support, clearly marked "FUNDS" should be sent to the Conference Secretariat. We regret that we shall not be able to confirm the support before 1st June 2001.
Prague, the Capital of the Czech Republic, is located at the heart of Central Europe. It can be accessed within five hours by car or train from Berlin, Munich, Vienna or Budapest. In Prague there is an international Airport with frequent direct flights from/to most European capitals and other cities as well and New York and Montreal/Toronto.
All visitors must have a passport valid at least for the next three months or another document which is accepted by the Czech Authorities as a valid passport replacement. Visas are not needed for Citizens of the West-European countries, USA and Japan. For authoritative information, please consult the Czech Embassy or Consulate nearest to you. Please note: As from 1st April 2001, the visa obligation was reintroduced for Canadian citizens.
In most cases, visitors to the Czech Republic are NOT covered by the Czech Health Insurance Plan. Therefore, the participants should arrange their own travel and health insurance. This holds also for the participants from the EU. Please consult your health insurance company.
The Czech Republic lies on the border of continental and oceanic climate zones and is protected by mountains from all sides. The weather in July/August is usually cool to pleasant, with temperatures around 20°C.
This is a short information for those participants of the EP2DS-14, who will come to Prague either by an airline or by train and who want to use public transport to reach the hotel PYRAMIDA by a safest and cheapest way. All the routes described below can be covered by one ticket, i.e. by the basic fare of 12,- Kc. The ticket is valid in all kinds of public transport for 60 minutes (90 minutes on Saturdays and Sundays) and you can change lines as you wish. You have to buy the ticket before entering the vehicle and cancel it immediately after entering a vehicle for the first time (at the moment, time and date is stamped on the ticket).
A1 : | Take bus 119 to the other end of the
line near the Metro station DEJVICKÁ. Walk about 150 m to
the terminal of another bus 217 (or 149). Leave the bus
in the station MALOVANKA next to the hotel PYRAMIDA. |
A2 : | Use the bus 179 and do not leave it until it stops at the station VYPICH. Nearby you will find a tram station (direction to the centre ). Take tram 8 (heading for NADRAZÍ VYSOCANY) or tram 22 (direction NÁDRAZÍ HOSTIVAR) to the station MALOVANKA. |
Two most important railway stations in Prague are HLAVNÍ (means CENTRAL) and HOLESOVICE. Both lay on the same line C of the Metro and the instruction below holds for both.
Take Metro C and go to the station Museum, where you have to change for Metro A, direction Dejvická. You have then two nearly equivalent alternatives. First, you go out at the station MALOSTRANSKÁ. Take tram 22 (dir. BÍLÁ HORA) or tram 23 (dir. MALOVANKA) until the station MALOVANKA. Second, go with Metro A one more station, leave it at HRADCANSKÁ and change for the tram 8 (dir. BÍLÁ HORA). It takes you again to the station MALOVANKA next to the hotel PYRAMIDA.
Note: Please, beware of pickpockets who sometimes appear in Metro and in tram lines 22 and 23.
Oliva Pacherová
Institute of Physics
Cukrovarnická 10
162 53 Praha 6
Czech Republic, Europe
Fax: ++4202 3123184
E-Mail: ep2ds14@fzu.cz
Jan Kucera
Institute of Physics
Cukrovarnická 10
162 53 Praha 6
Czech Republic, Europe
Fax: ++4202 3123184
E-mail: kucera@fzu.cz
Information for participants of the
which will be held at the
Bus transfer including a visit of some interesting and historical places in South Bohemia will be organized by Icaris Ltd. Conference Management on Saturday and Sunday, July 28-29, 2001.
Prague is approximately 240 km away from Linz. The bad news is that as from June 10, 2001, the direct train connection between Linz and Praha was cancelled and one has to change trains in Summerau (the Austrian border station):
Linz | Summerau | Praha | |
7:16 | 8:30 | 8:49 | 12:59 |
13:15 | 14:33 | 14:47 | 18:51 |
Here you can find some downloadable files relevant for the conference. To print the PDF files you need the Acrobat Reader. The Version 4 seems to contain a bug: to print a file correctly on an "A4" or "letter" papersheet, you should open "File", go to "Page Setup" and give the right paper size "A4" or "letter" explicitly again, even if the correct value is indicated!
The users having trouble with zipped files may use e.g. Winzip (on Windows) or Infozip UnZip (any platform).
To print postscript files on a non-postscript printer you may use Ghostscript.
The Windows users having trouble with gunzipped files may use e.g. G(un)zip (Note: some Web-browsers extract gunzipped files automagically without removing the file suffix ".gz"). Those Windows users who do not know how to print a postscript file on a postscript printer may try this handy freeware utility.
Warning! This logo was created directly in postscript (i.e., it is "infinitely" scalable) and contains "infinitely smooth" Bezier curves (with unspecified number of points). When phototypesetting this logo preset the RIP in your phototypesetter to optimal quality, not to maximum speed.
Here, all participants of the Conference may place their Job/Study advertisments, relevant for other Conference participants.
Please, contact kucera@fzu.cz if you wish to place your advertisment here.
This page is supposed to be changing dynamically.
Prague is a beautiful city with a turbulent cultural life -- even in the summer. Most of the information is available online through various sources.