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To Contents
- MA.1 9:00-9:30
- T. JUNGWIRTH, A.H. MacDonald and E.H. Rezayi: Two-dimensional Ising physics in quantum Hall ferromagnets
- MA.2 9:30-9:45
- N. KUMADA, D. Terasawa, Y. Shimoda, H. Azuhata, A. Sawada, Z.F. Ezawa, K. Muraki, T. Saku, and Y. Hirayama: Various phase transitions in
bilayer quantum Hall states
- MA.3 9:45-10:00
- K. MURAKI, T. Saku and Y. Hirayama: Activation studies of anisotropic quantum Hall ferromagnets with zero single-particle gap
- MA.4 10:00-10:15
- V. ZHITOMIRSKY, R. Chughtai, R.J. Nicholas and M. Henini: Spin polarization of 2D electrons in the quantum Hall ferromagnet: Evidence for a partially polarized state around filling factor one
- MA.5 10:15-10:30
- E.P. DE POORTERE, E. Tutuc and M. Shayegan: Hysteretic resistance spikes at transitions between quantum Hall ferromagnets in AlAs 2D electrons
To Contents
- MB.1 11:00-11:30
- A. WIXFORTH, M. Rotter, C. Rocke, H.J. Kutschera, A.V. Kalameitsev and A.O. Govorov: Acoustoelectric and acoustooptic interactions in quantum wells: The role of nonlinearity
- MB.2 11:30-11:45
- H.A. NICKEL, T. Yeo, C.J. Meining, A.B. Dzyubenko, M. Furis, D.R. Yakovlev, B.D. McCombe and A. Petrou: Interaction of an electron gas with photoexcited electron-hole pairs in modulation-doped GaAs and CdTe quantum
- MB.3 11:45-12:00
- W. OSSAU, D.R. Yakovlev, G.V. Astakhov, A. Waag, C.J. Meining, H.A. Nickel, B.D. McCombe and S.A. Crooker: High magnetic field optical studies of 2DEG
in modulation doped ZnSe quantum wells
- MB.4 12:00-12:15
- F. PEREZ, B. Jusserand, B. Etienne: Single particle excitation, Luttinger liquid and Raman scattering on quantum wire: Apparent contradiction
- MB.5 12:15-12:30
- C.L. Yang, M.A. Zudov, J. Zhang, R.R. DU: Magnetophonon resonance of two-dimensional electrons by leaky interface-acoustic phonons
To Contents
- MC.1 14:00-14:30
- M.E. GERSHENSON, V.M. Pudalov, H. Kojima, N. Butch, E.M. Dizhur, G. Brunthaler, A. Prinz and G. Bauer: Crossed magnetic fields technique for studying spin and orbital properties of 2d electrons in the dilute regime
- MC.2 14:30-14:45
- A. LEWALLE, M. Pepper, C.J.B. Ford, D.J. Paul, N. Griffin, B.P. Coonan, G. Redmond and G.M. Crean: Investigation of the zero-field 2D ``metallic'' state with
controlled independently
- MC.3 14:45-15:00
- J. JAROSZYNSKI, D. Popovic and T.M. Klapwijk: Low-frequency resistance noise studies across the metal-insulator transition in silicon MOSFETs
- MC.4 15:00-15:15
- A.K. SAVCHENKO, Y.Y. Proskuryakov, S.S. Safonov, S.H. Roshko, M. Pepper, M.Y. Simmons, D.A. Ritchie, A.G. Pogosov, Z.D. Kvon: Fermi-liquid behaviour near the crossover from `metal' to `insulator' of 2D electron and
hole systems
- MC.5 15:15-15:30
- T. HEINZEL, R. Jäggi, M. von Waldkirch, E. Ribeiro, K. Ensslin, S.E. Ulloa, G. Medeiros-Ribeiro and P.M. Petroff: Transport signatures for correlated disorder in self--assembled InAs quantum dots on GaAs
To Contents
- MP.1
- S. DICKMANN: Non-Hartree-Fock skyrmions and corrections to activation energy in a quantum Hall ferromagnet
- MP.2
- Z.F. EZAWA, K. Hasebe and A. Sawada: SU(4) quantum coherence and interlayer tunneling in bilayer quantum Hall systems
- MP.3
- G. NACHTWEI, A. Manolescu, N. Nestle and H. Künzel: Ferromagnetism in a quantum Hall system due to exchange enhancement in a GaInAs quantum well
- MP.4
- A. Burkov, J. SCHLIEMANN, A.H. MacDonald and S. M. Girvin: Phase transition and spin-wave dispersion in quantum Hall bilayers at filling factor
- MP.5
- J. SINOVA, A.H. MacDonald and S.M. Girvin: Disorder and interactions in quantum Hall ferromagnets: Effects of disorder in Skyrmion physics
- MP.6
- E. AHLSWEDE, J. Weis, K. von Klitzing and K. Eberl: Hall potential distribution in the quantum Hall regime in the vicinity of a potential probe contact
- MP.7
- H. AKERA: Current distribution in the breakdown of the quantum Hall effect
- MP.8
- N.G. KALUGIN, Yu.B. Vasilyev, S.D. Suchalkin, G. Nachtwei, B.E. Sagol and K. Eberl: Time-resolved far-infrared spectroscopy of quantum Hall systems
- MP.9
- K. Morita, S. Nomura, H. Tanaka, H. Kawashima and S. KAWAJI: Current polarity characteristics in breakdown of the integer quantum Hall effect in GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructures
- MP.10
- O. MAKAROVSKY, A.C. Neumann, L.A. Dickinson, L. Eaves, P.C. Main, M. Henini, S. Thoms, and C.D.W. Wilkinson: Quantum Hall effect breakdown: Can the bootstrap heating and inter-Landau-level scattering models be reco
- MP.11
- K. OTO, T. Sanuki, S. Takaoka, K. Murase, and K. Gamo: Two types of breakdown of quantum Hall effect depending on the electron density fluctuation
- MP.12
- M. HUBER, M. Grayson, M. Rother, R.A. Deutschmann, W. Biberacher, W. Wegscheider, M. Bichler and G. Abstreiter: Tunneling in the quantum Hall regime between orthogonal quantum wells
- MP.13
- S.S. MURZIN, M. Weiss, A.G.M. Jansen and K. Eberl: Quantum Hall effect in a layer with a three-dimensional electron spectrum
- MP.14
- G. Schwarz, E. Schöll, V. NOVÁK, and W. Prettl: Streamer motion in Hall effect Corbino geometries
- MP.15
- M.P. SCHWARZ, D. Grundler, H. Rolff, M. Wilde, S. Groth, Ch. Heyn, and D. Heitmann: De Haas-van Alphen effect in a two-dimensional electron system
- MP.16
- E.E. TAKHTAMIROV and V.A. Volkov: Reduced symmetry of heterointerfaces and orientational pinning of quantum Hall stripe phase
- MP.17
- M. TAUT: Wigner crystallization in a magnetic field: single electrons versus electron pairs at the lattice sites
- MP.18
- D. YOSHIOKA and N. Shibata: DMRG study of the ground state at higher Landau levels - stripes, bubbles and the Wigner crystal
- MP.19
- V. DOBROSAVLJEVIC and A.A. Pastor: Glassy behavior of electrons as a precursor to the localization transition
- MP.20
- V. KAGALOVSKY, B. Horovitz and Y. Avishai: Random matrix theory and metal-insulator transition in disordered superconductors
- MP.21
- H. KOBORI, N. Hatta, M. Kawaguchi and T. Ohyama: Magnetic-field-induced two- to three-dimensional transition in weak localization and weak anti-localization regimes for In
thin films
- MP.22
- M. Rahimi, M.R. Sakr, S.V. KRAVCHENKO: Fate of the extended states in a vanishing magnetic field: The role of spins in strongly-interacting 2D electron systems
- MP.23
- M. LEVIN, Lu Tie-Cheng, I. Shlimak, V. Ginodman, L. Resnick, V. Sandomirskii, K.-J. Friedland and R. Hey: Metallic like conductivity in low density Si-
-doped GaAs induced by Schottky-gates covering the mesa edge
- MP.24
- T. Yeo, B.D. MCCOMBE, B.M. Ashkinadze and L.N. Pfeiffer: Metal-insulator transition of spatially separated electrons and holes in mixed type I-type II GaAs/AlAs quantum wells
- MP.25
- I.V. Gornyi, A.D. MIRLIN and P. Wölfle: Current correlations and quantum localization in a random or homogeneous magnetic field
- MP.26
- S. Bogdanovich and D. POPOVIC: Glass transition in a two-dimensional electron system in silicon
- MP.27
- C. POSSANZINI, L. Ponomarenko, D. de Lang, A. de Visser, S.M. Olsthoorn, R. Fletcher, Y. Feng, P.T. Coleridge, R.L. Williams and J.C. Maan: Scaling behavior of metal-insulator transitions in a Si/SiGe two
-dimensional hole gas
- MP.28
- A.L.C. Pereira and P.A. SCHULZ: Extended state floating up in a lattice model: Bona fide levitation fingerprints, irrespective of the correlation length
- MP.29
- A. SHAILOS, C. Prasad, M. Elhassan, J.P. Bird, R. Akis, D.K. Ferry, L.-H. Lin, N. Aoki, Y. Ochiai, K. Ishibashi and Y. Aoyagi: Non-weak-localization signature in the average conductance of open quantum-dot arrays
- MP.30
- A.A. SHASHKIN, S.V. Kravchenko, V.T. Dolgopolov and T.M. Klapwijk: Possible ferromagnetic instability in a dilute 2D electron system
- MP.31
- C.E. Yasin, M.Y. SIMMONS, A.R. Hamilton, N.E. Lumpkin, R.G. Clark, L.N. Pfeiffer and K.W. West: The fate of quantum Hall extended states as
and the possibility of a 2D metal
- MP.32
- P. VAGNER, M. Moško, P. Markoš and T. Schäpers: Dephasing of coherent 1D transport in a disordered wire
- MP.33
- K. BUTH, M. Widmann, U. Merkt, E. Batke and K. Eberl: Percolation of quantum Hall droplets in intentionally disordered GaAs/GaAlAs heterojunctions
- MP.34
- A. DAVYDOV, N.K. Chumakov, B. Aronzon, A. Vedeneev, D. Bakaushin: Quantisation of the tunneling electron transport in percolating quasi-2D semiconductor structures: The temperature dependence
- MP.35
- D.T.N. DE LANG, L. Ponomarenko, A. de Visser, C. Possanzini, S.M. Olsthoorn and A.M.M. Pruisken: Evidence for a quantum Hall insulator in an InGaAs/InP heterostructure
- MP.36
- F. HOHLS, U. Zeitler and R.J. Haug: Variable-range hopping in the quantum Hall regime
- MP.37
- GIL-HO KIM, J.T. Nicholls, C.-T. Liang, D.A. Ritchie, and S.I. Khondaker: Insulator--quantum Hall liquid transitions in a two-dimensional electron gas using self-assembled InAs dots
- MP.38
- M. MORGENSTERN, D. Haude, Chr. Meyer, I. Meinel and R. Wiesendanger: Two--dimensional properties of a three-dimensional electron system in the extreme quantum limit
- MP.39
- T. Koschny and L. SCHWEITZER: Influence of correlated disorder potentials on the levitation of current carrying states in the quantum Hall effect
- MP.40
- U. Zülicke, E. SHIMSHONI: Localization of the Hall resistivity at high magnetic fields: Absence of the quantized Hall insulator
- MP.41
- B.M. ASHKINADZE, V. Voznyy, E. Cohen, Arza Ron and V. Umansky: Magnetic field induced evolution from bulk exciton to 2DEG - free hole luminescence in modulation doped heterojunctions
- MP.42
- C. BARDOT, M. Potemski, G. Martinez, A. Riedel, R. Hey and K.J. Friedland: Intrinsic magneto-photoluminescence of a two--dimensional electron gas with high concentration and mobility in a symmetric quantum well
- MP.43
- L.C.O. Dacal and J.A. BRUM: Effects of an electron gas on the negative trion in semiconductor quantum wells
- MP.44
- H.H. CHENG, M.C. Chang and R.J. Nicholas: Crossing of Landau levels and many-body effect in InGaAs/GaAs single quantum well
- MP.45
- S.-J. CHENG and R.R. Gerhardts: New collective modes in wide quantum wells with in--plane magnetic fields
- MP.46
- A. Qarry, R. Rapaport, G. Ramon, E. COHEN, Arza Ron, A. Maan and L.N. Pfeiffer: Magnetic field effect on the free electron - exciton scattering in GaAs/AlGaAs bare quantum wells and in microcavities
- MP.47
- C.A. DUQUE, N. Porras-Montenegro, and L.E. Oliveira: Terahertz dynamics of magnetoexcitons in semiconductor quantum wells
- MP.48
- P. HAWRYLAK, F.J. Teran, M. Potemski, G. Karczewski: Band-gap renormalization and photoluminiscence from an interacting two-dimensional electron gas in a magnetic field
- MP.49
- M. HAYNE, T. Vanhoucke, M. Henini and V.V. Moshchalkov: Magnetophotoluminescence of positively-charged excitons in GaAs quantum wells
- MP.50
- Y. IMANAKA, T. Takamasu, G. Kido, G. Karczewski, T. Wojtowicz and J. Kossut: Singularity in the magneto-luminescence of II-VI quantum Hall systems around
- MP.51
- K. Shibata, N. KOTERA, H. Arimoto, N. Miura, Yongjie Wang, E.D. Jones, J.L. Reno, M. Washima, T. Mishima: Study of band nonparabolicity using electron cyclotron resonance of InGaAs/InAlAs quantum wells below 100 Te
- MP.52
- L.V. KULIK, I.V. Kukushkin, V.E. Kirpichev, J.H. Smet, K. von Klitzing, V. Umansky, W. Wegscheider: Cyclotron spin-flip excitations in the 2D-electron system
- MP.53
- H.W. KUNERT and J. Barnas: Irradiation induced red light emission from GaAs quantum wells
- MP.54
- S. MACKOWSKI, G. Karczewski, and J. Kossut: Optical properties of CdTe/ZnTe quantum dot superlattices
- MP.55
- H. NAKATA, T. Mitamura, K. Fujii and T. Ohyama: Radiative recombination of 2DES associated with spin-flip cyclotron excitation in modulation-doped GaAs quantum well
- MP.56
- H.S. Brandi, A. Latgé and L.E. OLIVEIRA: Electron-laser interaction in low-dimensional semiconductor systems within an extended dressed-atom approach
- MP.57
- A.S. PLAUT, A. Pinczuk, B.S. Dennis, C.F. Hirjibehedin, L.N. Pfeiffer and K.W. West: Optical investigation of high-mobility dilute two-dimensional hole gases in GaAs (311)A quantum structures
- MP.58
- C. Riva, F.M. PEETERS: Theory of Trions in quantum wells
- MP.59
- V. RYZHII: Negative differential infrared photoconductivity in quantum-dot structure
- MP.60
- D. SCHNEIDER, F. Hitzel, A. Schlachetzki, P. Boensch: Dependence of electron effective mass on the subband occupation in In
As/InP quantum wells
- MP.61
- N.A. Fromer, C. SCHÜLLER, D.S. Chemla, T.V. Shahbazyan, I.E. Perakis, D. Driscoll and A.C. Gossard: Femtosecond dynamics of inter-Landau level excitations of a two--dimensional electron gas in the quantum Hall
- MP.62
- M.R. SINGH and J. Desforges: Excitons formation from spatially separated electrons and holes in semiconductor nanostructures with disorder
- MP.63
- T. SUZUKI: Novel Hamiltonians to calculate the electronic states in strain fields in the effective mass approximation
- MP.64
- T. TAKAMASU, S. Takagi, Y. Imanaka and G. Kido: Current induced changes of photoluminiscence in the quantum Hall system with different well width samples
- MP.65
- H. Aikawa, S. TAKAOKA, K. Oto, K. Murase, T. Saku, Y. Hirayama, S. Shimomura and S. Hiyamizu: In-plane magnetic field dependence of cyclotron resonance in two-dimensional electron systems
- MP.66
- D. Porras, J. Fernández-Rossier and C. TEJEDOR: Coherent control and four wave-mixing of Fermi edge singularities in doped quantum wells
- MP.67
- C.M. TOWNSLEY, Y.H. Kim, R.J. Nicholas, K.A. Prior and B.C. Cavenett: Anomalous g-factors and diamagnetic shifts of biexcitons in ZnS quantum wells
- MP.68
- H.P. VAN DER MEULEN, J.M. Calleja, J. Sanchez, R. Hey, K.J. Friedland and K. Ploog: Anomalous magneto-optical properties of a two-dimensional electron gas around integer filling factors
- MP.69
- T. VANHOUCKE, M. Hayne, M. Henini and V.V. Moshchalkov: Zeeman splitting and binding energy of negatively-charged excitons in GaAs quantum wells
- MP.70
- C. Faugeras, J. ZEMAN, D.K. Maude, M. Potemski, G. Martinez, A. Riedel, R. Hey, K.J. Friedland: Magneto infrared absorption and polaron coupling in high electron density GaAs quantum we
- MP.71
- J. EBBECKE, K. Pierz, F.J. Ahlers: Influence of the shape of a quasi-one-dimensional channel on the quantized acousto-electric current
- MP.72
- S. FARJAMI SHAYESTEH and J. Hasan Zadeh: Investigation of phonon and surface polaritons modes and plasmon-LO phonon coupling indonor doped and Cd
Te CdTe thin layer on GaAs substrate
- MP.73
- R. FLETCHER, M. Tsaousidou, P.T. Coleridge, Y. Feng and Z.R. Wasilewski: Electron--phonon coupling and phonon drag thermopower of a very low mobility 2DEG
- MP.74
- B.A. GLAVIN, V.A. Kochelap, T.L. Linnik, K.W. Kim and M.A. Stroscio: Generation of high-frequency coherent acoustic phonons in biased superlattices
- MP.75
- E.M. HÖHBERGER, R.H. Blick, F.W. Beil, W. Wegscheider, M. Bichler and J.P. Kotthaus: Magnetotransport in freely suspended two-dimensional electron systems for integrated nanomechanical resonators
- MP.76
- M. ECKARDT, A. Schwanhäußer, L. Robledo, S. Malzer, G.H. Döhler, M. Betz, A. Leitenstorfer: Ballistic high-field transport in mesoscopic confining potentials - observation of THz oscillations in Al
As heterostructures
- MP.77
- R. LETURCQ, D. L'Hote, R. Tourbot, V. Senz, U. Gennser, T. Ihn, K. Ensslin, G. Dehlinger, D. Grützmacher: Hole-phonon coupling in Si/SiGe two-dimensional hole systems
- MP.78
- D. Romanov, V. MITIN and M. Stroscio: Polar surface vibration strips on GaN/AlN quantum dots and their interaction with confined electrons
- MP.79
- E.E. ONISHCHENKO, V.S. Bagaev, T.I. Galkina, V.V. Zaitsev and A.I. Sharkov: New method of detection of terahertz acoustic phonons in quantum well structures
- MP.80
- M.E. PORTNOI and V.M. Apalkov: Electron-phonon interaction in a two-subband quasi--2D system in quantizing magnetic field
- MP.81
- C. Brink, D. SCHNEIDER, G. Ploner, G. Strasser, E. Gornik: Magnetophonon resonance in the confinement of an n-GaAs/AlGaAs-heterojunction, tuned to a quasi-one-dimensional quantum wire
- MP.82
- F. Schulze-Wischeler, U. ZEITLER, F. Hohls, R.J. Haug, D. Reuter and A.D. Wieck: Phonon excitation of a two-dimensional electron system around
To Contents
- TA.1 9:00-9:30
- G. YUSA, H. Shtrikman and I. Bar-Joseph: Photoluminescence in the fractional quantum Hall regime
- TA.2 9:30-9:45
- MOONSOO KANG, A. Pinczuk, I. Dujovne, B.S. Dennis, L.N. Pfeiffer, and K.W. West: Light scattering by magnetorotons of collective excitations in the fractional quantum Hall regime
- TA.3 9:45-10:00
- I. Szlufarska, A. WÓJS and J.J. Quinn: Reversed-spin quasiparticles in fractional quantum Hall systems and their effect on photoluminescence
- TA.4 10:00-10:15
- I.V. KUKUSHKIN, J.H. Smet, K. von Klitzing and W. Wegscheider: Cyclotron resonance of composite fermions
- TA.5 10:15-10:30
- M. GRAYSON, D.C. Tsui, L.N. Pfeiffer, K.W. West and A.M. Chang: Current measurements and the lever-arm model: An intuition for resonant tunneling at a biased fractional quantum Hall edge
To Contents
- TB.1 11:00-11:30
- J.G.S. LOK, S. Kraus, W. Dietsche, K. von Klitzing, F. Schwerdt, M. Hauser, W. Wegscheider and M. Bichler: Negative magneto-drag of double layer 2DEGs
- TB.2 11:30-11:45
- S.H. Simon, F. VON OPPEN and A. Stern: Oscillating sign of drag in high Landau levels
- TB.3 11:45-12:00
- M. YAMAMOTO, M. Stopa, Y. Tokura, Y. Hirayama and S. Tarucha: Coulomb drag between quantum wires: Magnetic fields and negative anomaly
- TB.4 12:00-12:15
- YU.V. DUBROVSKII, R. Hill, V.A. Volkov, P.C. Main, L. Eaves, V.G. Popov, E.E. Vdovin, D.Yu. Ivanov, D.K. Maude, J.C. Portal, A.S. Kotelnikov, M. Henini and G. Hill: Magnetic field induced linear Coul
omb gap in tunnelling between disordered two--dimensional electron systems
- TB.5 12:15-12:30
- A.R. HAMILTON, M.Y. Simmons, C.B. Hanna, J.C. Díaz-Vélez, M. Pepper and D.A. Ritchie: Exchange-driven bilayer-to-monolayer charge transfer in an asymmetric double-quantum-well
To Contents
- TC.1 14:00-14:30
- P.C. MAIN, A. Patanè, R.J.A. Hill, A. Levin, L. Eaves, M. Henini, D.G. Austing, S. Tarucha, Yu.V. Dubrovskii and E.E. Vdovin: Mapping the wave functions in quantum dots
- TC.2 14:30-15:00
- M.A. TOPINKA, B.J. LEROY, R.M. Westervelt, K.D. Maranowski and A.C. Gossard: Imaging coherent electron wave flow in a two-dimensional electron gas
- TC.3 15:00-15:15
- CHR. MEYER, J. Klijn, M. Morgenstern and R. Wiesendanger: Local density of states of a one dimensional conductor confined below a charged step edge
- TC.4 15:15-15:30
- R. CROOK, C.G. Smith, M.Y. Simmons and D.A. Ritchie: Imaging electrostatic microconstrictions in long 1D wires
To Contents
- TD.1 16:00-16:30
- C. Naud, G. Faini, D. MAILLY, J. Vidal, B. Douçot, G. Montambaux, A. Wieck, D. Reuter: Aharonov-Bohm cages in the GaAlAs/GaAs system
- TD.2 16:30-16:45
- A. ENDO, M. Kawamura, S. Katsumoto, Y. Iye: Magnetotransport of unidirectional lateral superlattice around half-odd filling of Landau levels
- TD.3 16:45-17:00
- R.A. Deutschmann, W. WEGSCHEIDER, M. Rother, M. Bichler and G. Abstreiter: Miniband transport in vertical superlattice field effect transistors
- TD.4 17:00-17:15
- D.P. DRUIST, E.G. Gwinn, K.D. Maranowski and A.C. Gossard: Tilted field effects in quantum Hall multilayers
- TD.5 17:15-17:30
- T. ASAYAMA, Y. Tokura, S. Miyashita, M. Stopa and S. Tarucha: 1D Bragg reflector in the Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid regime and Fermi liquid regimes
To Contents
(During The Poster Session
in Kajetánka)
- TP.1
- I. KARAKURT, D. Herman, H. Mathur and A.J. Dahm: Damping of weak localization of electrons on helium
- TP.2
- YU.G. RUBO and M.I. Dykman: Nonlinear friction for a 2D Wigner crystal above helium surface
- TP.3
- Yu.P. Monarkha, S.S. SOKOLOV, G.-Q. Hai and N. Studart: Channel magnetotransport of surface electrons on superfluid helium
- TP.4
- J.A.K. Freire, N. STUDART, F.M. Peeters, G.A. Farias and V.N. Freire: Magnetic confinement of electrons into quantum wires and dots on a liquid helium surface
- TP.5
- P.D. Ye, L.W. ENGEL, D.C. Tsui, J.A. Simmons, J.R. Wendt, G.A. Vawter and J.L. Reno: Microwave conductivity of antidot array in regime of fractional quantum Hall effect
- TP.6
- M. GELLER: Instantons and tunneling into strongly correlated conductors
- TP.7
- K. SHIZUYA: Effective vector-field theory and long-wavelength universality of the fractional quantum Hall effect
- TP.8
- A. WÓJS and J.J. Quinn: Electron correlations in a partially filled first excited Landau level
- TP.9
- R. CHUGHTAI, V. Zhitomirsky, R.J. Nicholas and M. Henini: Measurements of the composite fermion masses and
-factors from the spin polarization of 2-D electrons in the region
- TP.10
- S.I. DOROZHKIN, J.H. Smet, K. von Klitzing, V. Umansky, W. Wegscheider, R.J. Haug and K. Ploog: Measurements of the compressibility of the composite fermion metallic state in a 2D electron system
- TP.11
- Y.-M. Cheng, T.-Y. Huang, C.-T. Liang, M.Y. SIMMONS, C.F. Huang, C.G. Smith, D.A. Ritchie and M. Pepper: Experimental studies of composite fermion conductivity dependence on carrier density
- TP.12
- M. ONODA, T. Mizusaki, and H. Aoki: How heavy and how strongly interacting are composite fermions?
- TP.13
- W. PAN, H.L. Stormer, D.C. Tsui, L.N. Pfeiffer, K.W. Baldwin and K.W. West: New fractional quantum Hall features in a high quality quantum well sample
- TP.14
- P. SITKO: Exclusion statistics of composite fermions
- TP.15
- M. TSAOUSIDOU and G.P. Triberis: Phonon-drag thermopower of composite fermions at filling factor 3/2
- TP.16
- E. Muñoz, Z. BARTICEVIC, M. Pacheco: Two-dimensional array of quantum dots in the presence of electric and magnetic fields in the Hall configuration
- TP.17
- Z.S. Gribnikov, R.R. BASHIROV, H. Eisele, V.V. Mitin and G.I. Haddad: Electron dispersion relations with negative effective masses in quantum wells grown on the cleaved edge of a superlattice
- TP.18
- W. BREUER, D. Weiss and V. Umansky: Commensurability effects in two-dimensional electron gases with periodically arranged Ni and NiFe nanopillars
- TP.19
- K.W. EDMONDS, B.L. Gallagher, P.C. Main, A. Nogaret, M. Henini, C.H. Marrows and D.S. Macintyre: Magnetoresistance oscillations in a periodic magnetic field due to internal Landau band structure
- TP.20
- J. EROMS, M. Tolkiehn, D. Weiss, U. Rössler, J. de Boeck and S. Borghs: Chaotic motion and suppression of commensurability effects in an Andreev antidot billiard
- TP.21
- R.R. GERHARDTS and S.D.M. Zwerschke: Magnetoresistance in rectangular superlattices: Guiding-center approach to commensurability oscillations
- TP.22
- M. HARA, A. Endo, S. Katsumoto and Y. Iye: Magnetotransport in 2DEG with magnetic barriers
- TP.23
- JINKI HONG, V. Kubrak, K.W. Edmonds, A.C. Neumann, B.L. Gallagher, P.C. Main, M. Henini, C.H. Marrows, B.J. Hickey and S. Thoms: Quasi-ballistic transport of 2D electrons through magnetic barriers
- TP.24
- Y. IYE, A. Endo, S. Katsumoto, Y. Ohno, S. Shimomura and S. Hiyamizu: Magnetotransport in ultrashort period unidirectional lateral superlattices
- TP.25
- G. KIESSLICH, A. Wacker and E. Schöll: Sequential tunneling through an array of electrostatically coupled quantum dots
- TP.26
- T. KIMURA, H. Tamura, K. Shiraishi and H. Takayanagi: Magentic field effects on the ferromagnetism and transport properties of Kagome dot superlattices
- TP.27
- S. Chowdhury, A.R. LONG, J.H. Davies, K. Lister, and E. Skuras: Inverse flux quantum periodicity in the amplitudes of Weiss oscillations in two-dimensional lateral surface superlattices
- TP.28
- G.A. LUNA-ACOSTA, J.A. Méndez-Bermúdez, and F.M. Izrailev: Chaotic electron motion in superlattices. Quantum-classical correspondence of the structure of eigenstates and LDOS
- TP.29
- C. MITZKUS, W. Kangler, D. Weiss, V. Umansky and W. Wegscheider: Anomalous temperature dependence of commensurability oscillations in one- and two-dimensional lateral superlattices
- TP.30
- A. Nogaret, D.N. Lawton, D.K. Maude, J.C. PORTAL and M. Henini: Magnetic waveguiding in tilted magnetic fields
- TP.31
- C. PACHER, G. Strasser and E. Gornik: Optics with ballistic electrons: Anti-reflection coatings for GaAs/AlGaAs superlattices
- TP.32
- F. Evers, A.D. MIRLIN, D.G. Polyakov and P. Wölfle: Magnetotransport in a random array of antidots
- TP.33
- A. TSUKERNIK, M. Karpovski, A. Palevski, V.J. Goldman, S. Luryi, A. Rudra, E. Kapon: The role of spin polarization on the quantum Hall effect in 2DEG with periodically modulated filling factor
- TP.34
- J. WAKABAYASHI, Y. Tsuzuki, A. Endo and Y. Iye: Resonance-like giant magnetotransport anomaly in GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructures with a single Ni dot
- TP.35
- H.A. WALLING, D.P. Dougherty, D.P. Druist, E.G. Gwinn, K.D. Maranowski and A.C. Gossard: Temperature dependence of vertical transport in quantum Hall multilayers
- TP.36
- J. WIERSIG and K.-H. Ahn: Mode-locking in a periodic array of scatterers
- TP.37
- V.K. Dugaev and J. BARNAS: Large enhancement of the interaction coupling in magnetic layered structures
- TP.38
- L. BREY and F. Guinea: Phase separation in diluted magnetic semiconductor quantum wells
- TP.39
- T. Andrearczyk, J. Jaroszynski, G. Karczewski, J. Wróbel, T. Wojtowicz and T. DIETL: Effects of spin polarization on electron transport in modulation doped
Te:I heterostructures
- TP.40
- B. JUSSERAND, G. Karczewski, G. Cywinski, T. Wojtowicz, C. Testelin, C. Rigaux, P. Leroux-Hugon and M. El Kurdi: Spin flip excitations of mobile electrons in modulation doped semimagnetic quantum wells
- TP.41
- J. KÖNIG, J. Schliemann, T. Jungwirth, A.H. MacDonald: Collective spin fluctuations in diluted magnetic semiconductors
- TP.42
- F. TAKANO, S. Kuroda, K. Takita, T. Takamasu, Y. Imanaka and G. Kido: Magnetoresistance of two-dimensional electrons in modulation-doped Cd
Te/ Cd
Te SQWs : The variation with carrier concentration
- TP.43
- X.F. WANG, L. Loureiro da Silva, M.A. Boselli, and I.C. da Cunha Lima: Mobility of spin-polarized holes in GaMnAs multilayers
- TP.44
- H.J. Kim, K.S. YI, N.M. Kim, S.J. Lee and J.J. Quinn: Finite temperature study of a modulation-doped DMS quantum well with broken spin symmetry
- TP.45
- E. ANISIMOVAS: Tunneling spectroscopy of modulated two-dimensional electron systems
- TP.46
- V.A. BEREZOVETS, M.P. Mikhailova, K.D. Moiseev, R.V. Parfeniev, Yu.P. Yakovlev and V.I. Nizhankovskii: e-h magnetotransport in a type II broken-gap GaInSbAs/InAs single heterojunctions
- TP.47
- J.B. DOVESTON, S. Djordjevic, R.B. Dunford, C.J. Mellor, F.I.B. Williams, M. Henini: Microwave and transport studies of the magnetically-induced insulating phase of bilayer hole systems
- TP.48
- R.B. DUNFORD, M.R. Gates, C.J. Mellor, V.W. Rampton, J.S. Chauhan, J.R. Middleton and M. Henini: The acoustoelectric effect in double layer AlGaAs/GaAs 2D hole systems
- TP.49
- N.E. KAPUTKINA and Yu.E. Lozovik: Two-dimensional exciton with spatially-separated carriers in coupled quantum wells in external magnetic field
- TP.50
- J. KOLORENC, L. Smrcka, P. Streda: Longitudinal conductivity and transverse charge redistribution in coupled quantum wells subject to in-plane magnetic fields
- TP.51
- M. KOSHINO, H. Aoki and T. Osada: Field-induced SDW and integer quantum Hall effect in anisotropic three-dimensional electron systems
- TP.52
- M. KURAGUCHI, E. Ohmichi, T. Osada and Y. Shiraki: Relationship between Stark--cyclotron resonance and angular dependent magnetoresistance oscillations
- TP.53
- R. LÓPEZ, D. Sánchez and G. Platero: Photoassisted dynamical transport in multiple quantum wells
- TP.54
- D.C. MARINESCU, J.J. Quinn and G.F. Giuliani: Quasiparticle lifetime in a bilayer system
- TP.55
- T. OSADA: Resonant tunneling tuned by magnetic field orientations in anisotropic multilayer systems
- TP.56
- C. PETCHSINGH, R.J. Nicholas, K. Takashina, N.J. Mason, P.J. Walker and J. Zeman: Mass enhancement and electron-hole coupling studied by cyclotron resonance in InAa/GaSb bilayers
- TP.57
- YU.A. PUSEP, G.M. Gusev, A.J. Chiquito, A.K. Bakarov, A.I. Toropov, J.R. Leite: 2DEG formed by magnetic field in superlattices
- TP.58
- T.O. STADELMANN, B. Kardynal, R.J. Nicholas, K. Takashina and N.J. Mason: Magnetotransport studies of antidot superlattices in coupled two-dimensional electron-hole gases
- TP.59
- P. SVOBODA, Yu. Krupko, L. Smrcka, M. Cukr, T. Jungwirth, L. Jansen: Novel critical field in magneto-resistance oscillation of 2DEG in asymmetric GaAs/Al
As double wells measured as a function of the in-plane magnetic field
- TP.60
- K. TAKASHINA, R.J. Nicholas, B. Kardynal, N.J. Mason, D.K. Maude and J.C. Portal: The quantum Hall effect in an InAs/GaSb based electron-hole system and its current-driven breakdown
- TP.61
- B. TANATAR: Charge and spin density excitations in double-layer systems with tunneling
- TP.62
- J. VILLAVICENCIO and R. Romo: Buildup dynamics and tunneling response in double barrier resonant structures
- TP.63
- V.I. YUDSON: Anisotropic conductance of quasi-two-dimensional electron gas in parallel magnetic field
- TP.64
- M. ZVÁRA, R. Grill, P. Hlídek, M. Orlita and J. Soubusta: Photoluminescence of biased GaAs/Al
As double quantum wells - many-body effects
- TP.65
- S. KRAUS, J.G.S. Lok, W. Dietsche, K. von Klitzing, W. Wegscheider, and M. Bichler: Finite wavevector scattering on the
huge longitudinal resistance
- TP.66
- T. MACHIDA, S. Ishizuka and K. Muraki: Spin polarization in fractional quantum Hall edge channels
- TP.67
- R.G. MANI, W.B. Johnson, V. Narayanamurti, V. Privman and Y.-H. Zhang: Nuclear spin based memory and logic in quantum Hall semiconductor nanostructures for quantum computing applications
- TP.68
- YU.V. PERSHIN, I.D. Vagner, P. Wyder: Indirect nuclear spin interaction in mesoscopic systems
- TP.69
- M. BECK, P. Kiesel, S. Malzer and G.H. Döhler: Spin transport driven by giant ambipolar diffusion
- TP.70
- Y.-M. CHENG, T.-Y. Huang, C.H. Pao, C.-C. Lee, C.-T. Liang, M.Y. Simmons, C.G. Smith, D.A. Ritchie, M. Pepper, G.-H. Kim and J.Y. Leem: Spin-dependent transport in a two--dimensional GaAs electron gas in a parallel
magnetic field
- TP.71
- T.-Y. HUANG, Y.-M. Cheng, C.-T. Liang, G.-H. Kim and J.Y. Leem: Exchange-enhanced Landé
-factor, effective disorder and collapse of spin-splitting in a two-dimensional GaAs electron system
- TP.72
- S. LAMARI: Zero field spin-splitting and Rashba parameter in inversion layers on p-InAs mosfets: results of fully numerical multi-band computations
- TP.73
- E. TUTUC and M. Shayegan: Measurements of the effective g-factor in dilute GaAs 2D electrons
- TP.74
- K. YOH, S. Abe, T. Doi, Y. Katano, H. Ohno, K. Sueoka and K. Mukasa: Direct observation of electron spin splitting in InAs surface inversion layer by interband tunneling spectroscopy
- TP.75
- I. HAPKE-WURST, U. Zeitler, R.J. Haug and K. Pierz: Mapping the
-factor anisotropy of InAs self-assembled quantum dots
- TP.76
- T. IHN, J. Rychen, T. Cilento, R. Held, K. Ensslin, W. Wegscheider and M. Bichler: Scanning gate measurements on a quantum wire
- TP.77
- J. KLIJN, Chr. Meyer, D. Haude, M. Getzlaff, M. Morgenstern, R. Adelung, L. Kipp, M. Skibowski and R. Wiesendanger: Scanning tunneling spectroscopy on adsorbate induced two-dimensional electron systems on InAs(110)
- TP.78
- A.V. Yanovsky, H. Predel, H. Buhmann, R.N. Gurzhi, A.N. Kalinenko, A.I. KOPELIOVICH, L.W. Molenkamp: Spectroscopical imaging of electron scattering in two-dimensional conductors
- TP.79
- J. KRAUSS, A.V. Kalameitsev, A.O. Govorov, W. Wegscheider, A. Wixforth and J.P. Kotthaus: Dynamics of charge spreading in an undoped GaAs-quantum well structure
To Contents
- WA.1 9:00-9:30
A. Kudelski, J.A. Gaj, J. Cibert, S. Tatarenko, D. Ferrand,
A. Wasiela, B. Deveaud and T. Dietl: Light
controlled and probed ferromagnetism of (Cd,Mn) Te quantum wells
- WA.2 9:30-10:00
- F. MATSUKURA, D. Chiba, T. Omiya, E. Abe, T. Dietl, Y. Ohno, K. Ohtani and H. Ohno: Control of ferromagnetism in field-effect transistor of a magnetic semiconductor
- WA.3 10:00-10:15
- H. Luo, B.D. MCCOMBE, M.H. Na, K. Mooney, F. Lehmann, X. Chen, M. Cheon and S.M. Wang: Transport and magnetic properties of ferromagnetic GaAs/Mn digital alloys
- WA.4 10:15-10:30
- F.J. TERAN, M. Potemski, D.K. Maude, A.K. Hassan T. Andrearczyk, J. Jaroszynski, Z. Wilamowski, T. Wojtowicz, G. Karczewski: Resistively detected EPR of Mn
ions coupled to the 2DEG in the quantum Hall regime
To Contents
- WB.1 11:00-11:15
- B.I. HALPERIN: Spin-orbit effects in GaAs quantum dots
- WB.2 11:15-11:30
- B. HACKENS, C. Gustin, V. Bayot and M. Shayegan: Evidence for spin-orbit effects in an open ballistic quantum dot
- WB.3 11:30-11:45
- Y.S. GUI, J. Liu,
V. Daumer, C.R. Becker, H. Buhmann and L.W. Molenkamp: Large
Rashba spin-orbit splitting in gate controlled n-type modulation doped
Te quantum wells
- WB.4 11:45-12:00
- K. FUJII, Y. Morikami and T. Ohyama: Determination of Rashba spin splitting in In
As by far-infrared magneto-optical absorption
- WB.5 12:00-12:15
- R. WINKLER, H. Noh, E. Tutuc and M. Shayegan: Anomalous giant Rashba spin splitting in two-dimensional hole systems
- WB.6 12:15-12:30
- Z. Wilamowski and W. JANTSCH: ESR studies of the Bychkov-Rashba field in modulation doped Si/SiGe quantum wells
To Contents
- RA.1 9:00-9:30
- G. SALIS, D.D. Awschalom, Y. Ohno, H. Ohno: Optical manipulation of nuclear spin by a two-dimensional electron gas
- RA.2 9:30-9:45
- W. DESRAT, D.K. Maude, M. Potemski, J.C. Portal, Z.R. Wasilewski and G. Hill: Resistively detected NMR in the quantum Hall regime
- RA.3 9:45-10:00
- N.T. BAGRAEV, A.D. Bouravleuv, W. Gehlhoff, V.K. Ivanov, L.E. Klyachkin, A.M. Malyarenko, S.A. Rykov, I.A. Shelykh: Spin-dependent single-hole tunneling in self--assembled silicon quantum rings
- RA.4 10:00-10:15
- S.I. ERLINGSSON, Yu.V. Nazarov and V.I. Fal'ko: Hyperfine-mediated spin--flip transitions in GaAs quantum dots
- RA.5 10:15-10:30
- O. STERN, W. Dietsche, K. von Klitzing, W. Wegscheider and M. Bichler: Phase diagram of the huge longitudinal resistance at filling factor
To Contents
- RB.1 11:00-11:30
- J. WEIS, J. Schmid, U. Wilhelm, M. Keller: Kondo effect in single and in two electrostatically coupled quantum dot systems
- RB.2 11:30-12:00
- YANG JI, M. Heiblum, D. Mahalu, and H. Shtrikman: Phase measurement in a quantum dot with Kondo correlation
- RB.3 12:00-12:15
- M. CIORGA, A. Wensauer, M. Pioro-Ladriere, M. Korkusinski, J. Kyriakidis, A.S. Sachrajda and P. Hawrylak: Spin blockade spectroscopy detection of the collapse of the
spin singlet electronic phase in quantum dots
- RB.4 12:15-12:30
- S. SASAKI, Y. Kitamura, W. Izumida, K. Ono, S. Tarucha: The Kondo effect in a one- and two-electron quantum dot
To Contents
- RC.1 14:00-14:30
- A. Richter, P. Baars, U. MERKT: Supercurrents in two-dimensional electron systems
- RC.2 14:30-14:45
- C.M. HU, J. Nitta,
A. Jensen, J.B. Hansen, H. Takayanagi, T. Matsuyama, D. Grundler,
G. Meier, D. Heitmann and U. Merkt: Spin injection into a
two-dimensional electron gas using inter-digital-ferromagnetic contacts
- RC.3 14:45-15:15
- C.J. LAMBERT: The interplay between spin-polarized transport and Andreev scattering in ferromagnetic/superconducting nanostructures
- RC.4 11:15-15:30
- S.V. Dubonos, I.V. Grigorieva, A.K. GEIM, K.S. Novoselov: Domino effect in ferromagnetic-superconducting hybrids
To Contents
- RP.1
- S. BAILEY, D. Tománek, Y. Kyun-Kwon and C. Lambert: Giant magneto-conductance in twisted carbon nanotubes
- RP.2
- G. CUNIBERTI, R. Gutierrez, G. Fagas, F. Grossmann, K. Richter and R. Schmidt: Fullerene based devices for molecular electronics
- RP.3
- O.V. KIBIS: Electronic phenomena in chiral carbon nanotubes in presence of a magnetic field
- RP.4
- I. MILOšEVIC, T. Vukovic, S. Dmitrovic and M. Damnjanovic: Electro-optical properties of Carbon nanotubes
- RP.5
- M.T. WOODSIDE and P.L. McEuen: Imaging single-electron motion in carbon nanostructures
- RP.6
- J.S. CORREA, T.A. Eckhause, E.G. Gwinn and M. Thomas: Temperature dependence of critical currents in Nb/InAs/Nb
Josephson junction arrays
- RP.7
- D. GRUNDLER, T. Hengstmann, N. Klockmann, Ch. Heyn and D. Heitmann: Bend--resistance nanomagnetometry: Spatially resolved magnetization studies in ferromagnet/semiconductor hybrid structures
- RP.8
- E. MCCANN, G. Tkachov, and V.I. Fal'ko: Magnon-assisted Andreev reflection in a ferromagnet--superconductor junction
- RP.9
- A. MISHIMA: Binding energies of two holes in the two chains with alternate interchain interactions
- RP.10
- D. QUIRION, F. Lefloch and M. Sanquer: Transport and heating effect in proximity superconducting structures
- RP.11
- Y. SATO, S.-I. Gozu, T. Kita and S. Yamada: Study for realization of spin-polarized field effect transistor in In
As heterostructure
- RP.12
- H. TAKAYANAGI, T. Akazaki, M. Kawamura, Y. Harada, J. Nitta: Superconducting junctions using AlGaAs/GaAs heterostructures with high H
NbN electrodes
- RP.13
- A. ALDEA and M. Nitã: Orbital magnetization of 2D electrons in coupled quantum dots
- RP.14
- D.G. AUSTING, S. Sasaki, K. Muraki, K. Ono, S. Tarucha, M. Barranco, A. Emperador, M. Pi and F. Garcias: Influence of mismatch on the addition energy spectra of vertical diatomic artificial molecules
- RP.15
- M. BAYER, G. Ortner, A. Larionov, V. Timofeev, A. Forchel, P. Hawrylak, K. Hinzer, M. Korkusinski, S. Fafard and Z. Wasilewski: Entangled exciton states in quantum dot molecules
- RP.16
- M. Taki, Y. Nakae, Y. Yamamoto, I. Ferdsteyn, K. Kindo, M. Hagiwara, H. HORI: Can spin polarization mechanism of 2D-electron gas be applied to the magnetization problem of nano-particle?
- RP.17
- M. Brun, S. HUANT, J.C. Woehl, J.-F. Motte, L. Marsal and H. Mariette: Excitons and multi-excitons in single CdTe quantum dots probed by near-field spectroscopy
- RP.18
- M.H. Son, M.S. Jun, J.H. Oh, D.Y. Jeong, J.S. Hwang, J.E. Oh, S.W. HWANG, D. Ahn and L.W. Engel: Magneto-tunneling through stacked InAs self-assembled quantum dots
- RP.19
- M.K.K. Nakaema, M.J.S.P. Brasil, F. IIKAWA, E. Ribeiro, T. Heinzel, K. Ensslin, G. Medeiros-Ribeiro, P.M. Petroff and J.A. Brum: Micro-photoluminescence of self-assembled quantum dots in the presence of an electron
- RP.20
- J. KAINZ, S.A. Mikhailov, A. Wensauer and U. Rössler: Ground state energies of quantum dots in high magnetic fields: A new approach
- RP.21
- V.V. KHORENKO, H. Plagwitz, S. Malzer, C. Bock, K.H. Schmidt, E. Khorenko and G.H. Döhler: Controlled electron and hole injection in InAs self assembled quantum dot layers
- RP.22
- R. KRAHNE, V. Gudmundsson, Ch. Heyn and D. Heitmann: Inter-dot interaction in an array of elliptical quantum dots
- RP.23
- K. KRÁL, Z. Khás, P. Zdenek, M. Cernanský and C.Y. Lin: Relaxation of electron energy in polar semiconductor double quantum dot
- RP.24
- S.A. MIKHAILOV: Few-electron quantum dots and disks in zero magnetic field: Possible indications on a liquid-solid transition
- RP.25
- L.P. ROKHINSON, L.J. Guo, S.Y. Chou and D.C. Tsui: Few electrons small Si quantum dots: Anomalous peak doublet
- RP.26
- M. RONTANI, G. Goldoni, F. Manghi, and E. Molinari: Structural transitions in Wigner molecules: Ground-state properties and Raman spectroscopy
- RP.27
- D. SÁNCHEZ, L. Brey and G. Platero: Canted phase in artificial molecules
- RP.28
- P. SCHRÖTER, K.-B. Broocks, C. Schüller, C. Steinebach, Ch. Heyn, and D. Heitmann: Magneto-luminescence on arrays with small numbers of modulation-doped quantum dots: Evidence for a zero-dimensional densi
ty of states and a magnetic field-dependent dot potential
- RP.29
- C. SIMSERIDES, G. Goldoni, U. Hohenester, A. Ruini, M.J. Caldas, F. Rossi and E. Molinari: Local optical spectroscopy of nanostructures
- RP.30
- H.B. SUN, M.C. de Oliveira and D. Wahyu: Quantum dynamics of spin polarized optoelectronic processes
- RP.31
- M. TADIC and F.M. Peeters: Electronic structure of the valence band in cylindrical strained InP/InGaP quantum dots in an external magnetic field
- RP.32
- M. VITZETHUM, R. Schmidt, P. Kiesel, P. Schafmeister, J. Koch, D. Reuter, A.D. Wieck and G.H. Döhler: A novel photoconductive detector for single photon detection
- RP.33
- R.L. WILLIAMS, J. Lefebvre, P.J. Poole, G.C. Aers, D. Chithrani: Site-selected InAs/InP self-assembled quantum dots
- RP.34
- A. WYSMOLEK, M. Potemski, V. Thierry-Mieg, R. Planel: Single dot emission induced by high magnetic fields
- RP.35
- A.V. CHAPLIK: Magnetoexcitons and electron-hole multiplexes in quantum rings of finite width
- RP.36
- A. EMPERADOR, M. Pi, M. Barranco and E. Lipparini: Spin features in the Raman spectrum of nanoscopic rings
- RP.37
- A.A. Bykov, O. ESTIBALS, I.V. Marchishin, L.V. Litvin, A.K. Bakarov, A.I. Toropov, D.K. Maude and J.C. Portal: Small ring interferometer on the basis of a GaAs quantum well with a high density 2D electron gas
- RP.38
- A. FUHRER, S. Lüscher, T. Heinzel, T. Ihn, K. Ensslin, W. Wegscheider, and M. Bichler:
-periodic oscillations of conductance peak height and position in quantum rings in the Coulomb blockade regime
- RP.39
- A.E. HANSEN, A. Kristensen, S. Pedersen, C.B. Sørensen, and P.E. Lindelof: Decoherence in Aharonov-Bohm rings
- RP.40
- A.W. HOLLEITNER, H. Qin, R.H. Blick, K. Eberl and J.P. Kotthaus: Aharonov-Bohm oscillations for charge transport through two parallel quantum dots
- RP.41
- Z. Xie and S.A. LYON: 4-terminal reflection and transmission in an Aharonov-Bohm ring
- RP.42
- J. NITTA, T. Koga, and H. Takayanagi: Interference of Aharonov-Bohm ring structures affected by spin-orbit interaction
- RP.43
- S.E. ULLOA, A.O. Govorov, A.V. Kalameitsev, R. Warburton and K. Karrai: Magnetoexcitons in quantum-ring structures: a novel magnetic interference effect
- RP.44
- JENG-BANG YAU, E.P. De Poortere and M. Shayegan: Observation of Berry's phase in Aharonov-Bohm oscillations in GaAs 2D holes
- RP.45
- J. Rubio, C. Pascual, A. Pinczuk, B.S. Dennis, L.N. Pfeiffer, K.W. West and J.M. CALLEJA: Optical study of the one-dimensional electron gas in cleaved-edge-overgrown semiconductor quantum wires
- RP.46
- S. Calderon, O. Kadar and A. SAAR: Optically induced intersubband transitions in V--groove quantum wires
- RP.47
- P. VASILOPOULOS and M.S. Kushwaha: Magnetic-field enhancement of the current instability in field-effect transistors
- RP.48
- D. Boese, M. Governale, A. Rosch, U. ZÜLICKE: Magnetotunneling between parallel quantum wires: From coherent oscillations to spin-charge separation
- RP.49
- R. AGUADO and D.C. Langreth: Out-of-equilibrium Kondo effect in coupled quantum dots
- RP.50
- A.L. CHUDNOVSKIY and S.E. Ulloa: Kondo effect in a two-level quantum dot coupled to an external fermionic reservoir
- RP.51
- D. Sprinzak, Yang Ji, M. HEIBLUM, D. Mahalu, H. Shtrikman: Charge distribution in a Kondo correlated quantum dot
- RP.52
- Z.D. KVON, O. Estibals, A.Y. Plotnikov, J.C. Portal, A.I. Toropov and J.L. Gauffier: Manifestation of spin-charge separation in small open quantum dot
- RP.53
- R. López, R. Aguado, G. PLATERO and C. Tejedor: Transport in quantum dots in the Kondo regime under the influence of an AC potential
- RP.54
- O.M. BULASHENKO, J.M. Rubí: Shot noise as a tool to probe an electron energy distribution
- RP.55
- A. NAUEN, J. Könemann, U. Zeitler, F. Hohls, R.J. Haug: Shot noise in tunneling through single localized states
- RP.56
- V. RODRIGUEZ, P. Roche, D.C. Glattli, Y. Jin and B. Etienne: Super poissonian noise in the FQHE regime
- RP.57
- E.V. SUKHORUKOV: Noise of a quantum-dot system in the cotunneling regime
- RP.58
- R. Akis, M. Elhassan, J.P. BIRD, A. Shailos, C. Prasad, D.K. Ferry, L.-H. Lin, N. Aoki, Y. Ochiai, K. Ishibashi and Y. Aoyagi: Molecular states in quantum-dot arrays
- RP.59
- T. BLOMQUIST and I.V. Zozoulenko: Magnetoconductance fluctuations and weak localization in quantum dots: Reliability of the semiclassical approach
- RP.60
- H. BUHMANN and L.W. Molenkamp: 1D diffusion: A novel transport regime in narrow 2DEG channels
- RP.61
- B.H. CHOI, Y.S. Yu, S.H. Son, S.W. Hwang, D. Ahn, D.H. Kim and B.G. Park: Double-dot like charge transport in silicon single electron transistor
- RP.62
- S.G. CHUNG: Superconductor-insulator transition in a single Josephson junction
- RP.63
- S.J. GEER, A.G. Davies, C.G. Smith, L.D. Macks, W.R. Tribe, E.H. Linfield and D.A. Ritchie: Investigation of an open quantum dot with a Coulomb blockade quantum dot detector
- RP.64
- I.V. Grigorieva, A.K. GEIM, S.V. Dubonos, K.S. Novoselov, J.C. Maan, M.B.S. Hesselberth and P.H. Kes: Mesoscopic fluctuations of the critical field in submicron superconducting wires
- RP.65
- I.V. GORNYI and A.D. Mirlin: Wave function correlations on the ballistic scale: From quantum disorder to quantum chaos
- RP.66
- H.-S. SIM, G. Ihm, N. Kim, S.J. Lee and K.J. Chang: Edge-channel transport through quantum wires with a magnetic quantum dot
- RP.67
- T. INOSHITA: Theory of quantum mirage in elliptic billiards
- RP.68
- YU.N. KHANIN, E.E. Vdovin, L. Ponomarenko and K.S. Novoselov: Resonant tunnelling via states of the X-related donors located at different atomic layer in AlAs barrier
- RP.69
- J. KÖNEMANN, P. König, E. McCann, V.I. Fal'ko, R.J. Haug: Correlations in the local density of states probed by single electron tunneling
- RP.70
- I.A. LARKIN, J.H. Jefferson and A.V. Vagov: Ballistic transport of electrons in a long single-mode 1-D channel
- RP.71
- J.J. MAREš, J. Krištofik, P. Hubík: Ohm-Kirchhoff's law and screening in two-dimensional electron liquid
- RP.72
- A.P. MICOLICH, R.P. Taylor, A.G. Davies, T.M. Fromhold, R. Newbury, A. Ehlert, L.D. Macks, W.R. Tribe, H. Linke, E.H. Linfield and D.A. Ritchie: The dependence of fractal conductance fluctuations on soft-wall profi
le in a double-2DEG billiard
- RP.73
- E.G. NOVIK, H. Buhmann, S. Maximov, and L.W. Molenkamp: Electron-wave diffraction by density inhomogeneities in two-dimensional electron gas
- RP.74
- E.R. RACEC, U. Wulf and P.N. Racec: Fano resonances in quantum transport through semiconductor nanostructures
- RP.75
- M.M. SHABAT, H.M. Fayad, H.M. Khalil and D. Jager: Electronic conductance of quantum wire structures
- RP.76
- K.J. THOMAS, J.T. Nicholls, W.R. Tribe, M.Y. Simmons, D.A. Ritchie and M. Pepper: Effect of temperature and magnetic field on the 0.7 structure in a ballistic one-dimensional wire
- RP.77
- Y. TOKURA and A. Khaetskii: Towards a microscopic theory of the 0.7 anomaly
- RP.78
- K. UENO, M. Eto and K. Kawamura: Interband scattering at metallic nano-junctions
- RP.79
- O. VOSKOBOYNIKOV, H.C. Huang, C.P. Lee and O. Tretyak: Spin dependent electron scattering from quantum dots and antidots in two-dimensional channels
To Contents
- FA.1 9:00-9:30
- C. SCHÖNENBERGER: Quantum and interaction effects in electron transport of carbon nanotubes
- FA.2 9:30-10:00
- H. PARK: Transport and scanned probe investigations on carbon nanostructures
- FA.3 10:00-10:15
- J. HARUYAMA, I. Takesue and T. Hasegawa: Anti-localization caused by slight doping of heavy-mass impurities in carbon nanotubes and a novel spintronics device
To Contents
- FB.1 10:45-11:00
- S. OBERHOLZER, E.V. Sukhorukov and C. Schönenberger: Shot noise by quantum scattering in chaotic cavities
- FB.2 11:00-11:15
- S.H. ROSHKO, S.S. Safonov, A.K. Savchenko, W.R. Tribe and E.H. Linfield: Suppressed shot noise in 1D and 2D electron transport via localized states
- FB.3 cancelled
- R. DE PICCIOTTO, H.L. Stormer, L.N. Pfeiffer, K.W. Baldwin and K.W. West: Probing the interior of a ballistic quantum wire
- FB.4 11:15-11:30
- L. WORSCHECH, S. Reitzenstein, M. Kesselring, A. Schliemann and A. Forchel: Coherent and ballistic switching effects in GaAs/AlGaAs nanojunctions
- FB.5 11:30-11:45
- M. KATAOKA, C.J.B. Ford, G. Faini, D. Mailly, M.Y. Simmons, and D.A. Ritchie: Spin-splitting of Aharonov-Bohm oscillations in an antidot
- FB.6 11:45-12:00
- C.G. SMITH, S. Gardelis, J. Cooper, D.A. Ritchie, E.H. Linfield, Y. Lin and H. Launois: Detection of electron scattering times in an isolated double quantum dot system
- FB.7 12:00-12:15
- K.S. NOVOSELOV, A.K. Geim, S.V. Dubonos, Y.G. Cornelissens, F.M. Peeters and J.C. Maan: Quenching of the Hall effect in localised high magnetic field region
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